

I'm a dark gothic poet and this is some of my work and or oppinions


October 2017

My uterus my rules.

My uterus my rules
(in which we try to discus reproductive rights like humans)

Reproductive rights are usually a hot topic with people. Some people want to get rid of birth control, abortions and even sex education. Some people want to keep only certain forms of these things. And still others want to keep them all and get rid of some/ most restrictions.
Now let’s present the sides. First the right to lifers. The really loud right to lifers are usually White, Cis gender, middle aged, Republican, Christian men. The next loudest ones are usually White, Cis gender, middle aged, Republican, Christian women. Next, we have the Pro choicers. Pro choicers are usually not republican. They are usually considered liberals. They range in age, race, religion, and gender.
Now let’s present the arguments. Side one, the right to lifers. They firmly believe that all pregnancies are gifts from God and should be carried to term no matter what. No matter that the mother or child may not survive the labor. No matter if the pregnancy was the product of rape or incest. No matter if you are under the age of 18 and not fully grown. No matter if you are poor, homeless, addicted to drugs (or a habitual user). It’s just your tough luck if you can’t afford a baby. You should have thought about that before you had sex. Because the same people fighting for the right to tell you what to do with your uterus are the same people trying to cut all forms of welfare. So, you better stay home and raise that baby also while working a full-time job making 35,000+ a year so you can be a productive member of society, all while teaching your child good Christian values. But don’t teach them about sex that is just wrong.
It is statistically proven that states with an “abstinence only” sexual education system has the highest teen pregnancy rates. Because teens do not know how getting pregnant works. They do not know that penis + vagina = Baby.
Right to lifers believe that an unborn baby can feel pain from before the baby is fully formed. But will pierce a baby girl’s ears and have a little boy circumcised within hours of birth because they are unsure if they can feel pain or not. They also sometimes go against science and want to believe that babies are fully formed within weeks if not days or hours of conception. They want abstinence only or nothing at all taught in schools.
Now for the pro choicers. Pro Choicers firmly believe that it is “your uterus, your rules”.
For instance, if the pregnancy is a product of rape or incest. Abortion within so many weeks of conception is a viable option. Adoption and keeping the pregnancy are also options. If you or the baby will not survive the labor and after much thought and/or prayer you have come to the decision to have an abortion. We will find you grief counseling while we cry with you. What if you can’t afford a baby. As previously stated abortion and adoption are both options. However so are various forms of welfare, assistance with schooling, housing, and health insurance and health providers. Planned Parenthood is a veritable wealth of information and services. Also no one will judge you because none of us are perfect.
Prochoicers know that an unborn baby cannot feel pain, but that a new born can. The believe in science and statistics. Babies are not fully formed until months after conception. Abstinence only just does not work.
Sex is a biological function. Almost everyone has sexual urges. Anyone with the urge will explore. I would rather they explore safely and as educated as possible. That includes teaching children as young as 12 about what sex is. What it can cause. Explaining about birth control options and condoms. Explaining what does not work, such as pulling out, “dry sex”, only using certain positions, so on and so forth.
I say as young as 12 because I went to school with girls who were married with a baby at 12. In Arkansas you can be that young and with a parent’s consent get married. I never saw those girls after sixth grade. My daughter is 13, I taught her how sex works because I will not put her threw what those girls went through.


Once upon a time on a very warm summer day, a girl decided to take up weaving. She looked up things on pinterest. Warps, and wraps, wefts and bobbins and looms oh my!! So much stuff! Stuff everywhere as far as the eye can see.
Now this girl, she had other things that she did too. First, she painted, a lot. All the time with a paint brush or an idea for something. Second, if she was inside, she would sew things. Presents or gifts, decorations, clothes, all kinds of things. If she wasn’t doing one of these things she could be found writing poetry, walking the dog or taking care of the house and its inhabitants.
Now taking care of a house and the inhabitants meant the girls daughter, her mother and father, and four cats. As the dog lives outside he doesn’t technically count as an inhabitant. There is cooking and cleaning and feeding to be done. All day every day. Every. Blessed. Day. No days off. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t get to do whatever you want when you get older. Because there are these things called responsibilities. Now remember that this girl has people, places, and things to take care of. They require work, every day. So, she had to manage her task.
Managing task is a lot like weaving. This task weaves over the other task and under that one. Just like that. Breakfast goes over painting and under grocery shopping for example. Sewing under weaving and over painting and back under poetry.

Sometimes when the girl needs to recharge she would go outside. Her house is on five acres. So, she has lots of woods to play in. Going outside and playing in the woods is good for the girl’s mind. She goes a lot less mad when she has outside to play in. Often, she will take pictures of whatever she finds outside. Grass, flowers, trees, and leaves. Fallen logs, wilting flowers, and falling leaves, all feeding the grass to grow the flowers, tress and leaves.
If you let it (any it will do, just pick one), it will take over your life. The girl could not let it do that. She had to make things or her head got full and she felt like she was going mad. Now all these creative things come into play because they make a lot of mess and scraps. The girl decided to use those scraps and see what she could make with them. So far, the girl has made two things weaving scraps. But she is learning. The learning is what counts.
The girl can make all kinds of things from scraps and tatters. Rugs, place mats, hot pot holders, a life even. If you are patient, find the threads, and are willing to learn. You can make anything. Yes, even a life. Now if you remember the girl had a daughter to take care of. Parents also. Each one a thread in her life. The cats and the dog also threads. Even the house and the land are threads.
Learning means doing, and doing means growing, and growing means more. The more you learn, the more you do, the more you grow. It’s an inevitable bloody cycle. The girl, she learned about cycles a long time ago. The cycle never ends. It can’t end. If it ends everything comes apart.
While the cycle can’t end it can rest. Part of the learning happens in the resting. Resting is just as important as every other part of the weaving process in the tapestry of life. It just so happens to be the over looked part. Try not to overlook it while weaving your life tapestry.
The girl is learning that. The learning is what counts. It never ends it only rest.

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